(559) 245-3800

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is the simplest, easiest and fastest way to find your emotional baggage and release it. The Emotion Code is a technique of energy healing that uses the science of quantum physics to clear emotional baggage that is disrupting your daily life. All matter is energy - including our bodies, our thoughts, and our emotions. The energies of intense emotional events that we've experienced can be stuck in our physical bodies. The technique was created and refined by chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson, who realized that his patients' aches and pains were not just physical, they were emotional manifesting as physical. Since the body is made of pure energy, the negative energy of trapped emotions can exert a damaging force on the body, which worsens over time. Trapped Emotions can cause pain, depression, anxiety, phobias, self-sabotage, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and disease.

​What is The Body Code?

The Body Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is an extension of the Emotion Code. It includes the emotion code but also addresses pathogens, toxins, misalignment's, mental energies (broadcast messages, images, memory fields), disconnections, communication between body parts, etc. Often, the root of a misalignment or disconnection is an emotion but it could also be a pathogen, toxin, etc. Body Code helps address a much wider array of issues.​How does The Emotion Code & Body Code work?The subconscious mind is the ultra intelligent computer system of the body, it knows just what you need to be happy and healthy!

1. Questions are asked using muscle testing (applied kinesiology) to find information about trapped emotions from the subconscious mind.

2. Once a positive answer is received (we have found a trapped emotion), the negative energy is released using intention/Universe/God/Source to pull the energy.

The process is quick but powerful, and the effects are long lasting.

What is muscle testing?

There are dozens of ways to muscle test. The easiest form to learn is the sway test. You stand straight and ask a question like "My name is Dee" and then you see which way your body sways. Provided your polarity is correct (not common to be flipped), you will sway forward for a yes answer. If you say "My name is George (provided your name is not George), you will sway backwards.​Muscle testing is a skill that can be learned by anyone. If you look at YouTube, you can find many videos on the various ways to muscle test. It may take a bit to get used to strong/weak answers, but like any skill, you can feel the change in your muscles easier over time. It is a great way to determine what your body likes or does not like. Before any food is put in your mouth, you could muscle test and ask your body if it wants it. Once your body knows you care what it wants, the answers will usually become clearer and clearer. ​

What can I expect?

Most people say The Emotion Code helps them feel lighter and free, but we frequently see much more than that. Your results will depend on how many trapped emotions you have and how quickly your body responds after the negative energy is released. Releasing trapped emotions can help restore balance to your body, enhancing your body's natural healing ability. I have personally seen client's in one session be relieved of a phobia, speech impediments, variety of aches of pains, troubles sleeping, fears decreased, peace restored, etc. Not everyone sees results this quickly, and no promises can be made as all healing is up to your body, but typically we will know after one session how quickly your body responds to energy release.

How do sessions work?

Sessions can be done in-person, over the telephone, or remotely. As we begin, you may share with me any specific areas of concern that you have, and I will muscle test (applied kineseology) to see which issue cleared will help you the most. Often, clearing one issue, will actually relieve other issues that were on your list. By using muscle testing, I ask your body what energy it wants to release. During the session, I will keep track of what was released. I can send it to you on request. The information in the report is informational only, as once the emotion/energy is released, there is nothing more you need to do about that trapped emotion. Your body has released it.

How is it possible to do a session over email or phone?

Muscle testing works quite a bit like how a cellular phone works. Our bodies have a built-in capability to quickly and easily "dial" someone else, and create an energetic connection with them. Have you ever had that scenario where you thought of someone and they called you minutes later? Once you have given permission to be tested, questions can be asked about what is going on in your body, because I'm picking up your energetic signal. Sessions remotely/over the phone are just as clear as in person.

How does this healing work over the internet?
Emotion Code sessions are done by using “Proxy Testing”, which is when someone is given the permission to act in place of someone else. The authorized person is what we call a “proxy”. By putting themselves into the position of standing in for someone else, a proxy can be tested as if they were the subject of the testing, allowing their body to be used to benefit the subject.Proxy testing is most useful when you want to help someone who is not present or who is inaccessible for some reason. When you release trapped emotions from someone at a distance, it is a form of remote or distance healing. Although remote healing has not been incorporated into Western Medicine, it has been practiced both anciently and in modern times by those who practice Tai Chi, Reiki and other respected techniques.​


The subconscious mind is said to make up about 95% of our minds, while our conscious mind makes up 5% of our minds. Our subconscious mind takes in all of the information we are not consciously paying attention to; it remembers every face we've ever seen in a crowd, every food we've ever tasted, every experience we've ever had, and every emotion we've ever felt.Many people try to use their conscious minds to solve the emotions they feel from trauma they've experienced, or to get out of a cycle and pattern they find themselves in over and over again. Like Einstein says, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." We must tap into this all-knowing subconscious mind in order to get to the bottom of things, releasing what is causing us to run old patterns, or feel dis-ease forever!​


First, let's discuss how we will be doing your session. We can use Facetime, Zoom or we can have an in person meeting. I also have a lot of clients who prefer a texting session so they can just go about their day as I'm working on them remotely. These are actually the most requested sessions and they all have the same results. The first consultation, at least, needs to be done over the phone or in person so I can go over how it works with you and answer any questions you might have. Next, get excited!! You are about to embark on a beautiful healing journey that has helped THOUSANDS of people get their lives back on track! This being the case your body IS going to go through a little detox. Make sure to drink lots of water before each session to aid in this process. Lastly, Make sure you have a quiet place to talk, and we will meet for our session!​


Yes. Sign up for your child’s sessions just as you would for yourself. You can sign up
here.If you believe your child is old enough to sit through a session on the phone or video chat, then great! If not, YOU are welcome to have the session with me as I connect to your child energetically.


No! That's the beauty of this process. You can keep any private details to yourself if you wish. There are times where we will need more information about a trapped emotion before we release it, and you can simply think of this in your head.


There are payment plans available. Please speak with me to make arrangements. ​


Some people report feeling tired, light-headed and have the deepest sleep they've had in a while. Many report more a peaceful and loving state of being, feeling lighter, more joyful, and euphoric with a different outlook on the world.30% of people experience what we call "echos", which is where they experience the emotions that were released as they are letting them go for good (for example, if we released anxiety, they may feel anxiety again as they process it) Don't worry! This only lasts about 24-48 hours (for the extra sensitive people it may last about a week and then pass).If you do experience emotional ups and downs, I am here to guide you through it. I recommend not adding any layers of judgment onto yourself or the process you are going through and to allow and honor yourself as your body reaches a new equilibrium. Reach out to me for support at any time through your healing journey! I love to hear about the positives and guide you through anything challenging that is coming up.


Like its name implies, it is a wall that builds up around the heart.Each layer is a different trapped emotion that can come from virtually any experience that remains in our body. Or, it can be inherited and passed down generation to generation. Over time, these layers accumulate making the Heart Wall thicker just like an onion grows thicker layer upon layer. It protected us in the hard times, but it doesn’t go away when the threat or the situation is over.

When a Heart Wall is present, the love frequency must pass through the energy layers surrounding the heart. It can become twisted or diminished into something less than its original, pure intent. The person you are sending love to receives a distorted version of it, thus possibly impacting their ability or desire to send love back to you or to feel the love you are giving. These energetic blocks and filters are removed when we release the Heart Wall. This enables you to give and receive love in its purest and most beautiful form.

Where can I learn more?

You could read The Emotion Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson. There are options from Healer's Library ( You can also purchase the book online from a variety of locations. Here is a great
video from him on youtube below.

Energy healing, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider. Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. I am not a medical professional. I don’t treat diseases. I don’t claim to cure diseases. Using gentle, non-invasive energy techniques we work together to find and remove imbalances in your body that may be showing up as physical, mental, or emotional symptoms. When these imbalances are removed, we help create the right conditions for your body to heal itself, allowing you to step into your new future. sessions are confidential and personal information will never be shared. While most of my clients experience improvements, I cannot guarantee results. After completing your first session if you believe that you have not benefited or received any value whatsoever, your fee will be promptly refunded.