(559) 245-3800

From surviving to thriving

Quantum Energy Healing Practitioner

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WHat are some things Emotion and body code can help with

No need to talk about it, your subconscious knows all.

Digestive Disorders

Anxiety & Depression

Hormonal Problems

Learning Disabilities



Chronic Fatigue






Muscle & Joint Pain

Viruses & Bacteria


Sinus Problems

Relationship Issues


Parkinson's Disease


Obesity & Weight Issues



Skin Problems


Sleep Issues

Eating Disorders

Blood Pressure Problems

I am an Emotion Code, Body Code practitioner and an
Independent Quantum Living Advocate. I discovered Energy Healing as I was going through a period of immense change in my life. I gained the strength to leave a very narcissistic abusive marriage of 11.5 years. I was also able to heal from PTSD, neuropathy, Ulcers, IBS, Chronic pain & insomnia using energy healing after reading the book Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson.

As soon as I read the book I was on a mission to learn as much as I could so I could help others heal from emotional abuse and other traumas in the body. I became certified as a practitioner in E.C. and B.C. It has helped me and my children tremendously. I finally met the love of my life who is on my frequency level. Once we learn we are all connected by energy it's easier to understand how it helps all of us to heal. The world needs so much healing and we can start with ourselves.

A few videos about Emotion code and energy healing.

Wellness starts from within

Pricing Tables

Emotion Code Session


Includes a free consultation call.

The Emotion Code is a unique protocol that allows us to identify trapped emotions, heart walls, and other energy blocks that cause pain, mental and emotional distress, and a variety of other ailments.

Dr. Bradley Nelson, a retired chiropractor, developed this technique as he worked with clients in his chiropractic practice.

Body Code Session


The Body Code is an energy healing technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that can help identify and release trapped emotions and negative imbalances. Since we believe emotions and imbalances are made of energy, they may exert an influence on physical tissues, potentially leading to acute discomfort. They can even block people from love and happiness, can make them feel disconnected from others, and can limit their ability to achieve success.

Think of these imbalances like a log jam in the river. Removing key logs can release the jam and allow the remainder to flow freely. Similarly, we believe that removing key energetic blocks and imbalances can allow the remainder to release more freely. The Body Code incorporates Dr. Nelson's core modality The Emotion Code to address the foundational emotional components of your imbalances.

Energy healing for pets


Animals can have trapped emotions and negative imbalances from traumatic events in their lives. By using The Body Code, issues can be resolved that might be causing distress or anxiousness. Since talking is not necessary for The Body Code technique, assessments for animals can be very impactful. By muscle testing with a pendulum, I can help identify and release trapped emotions and imbalances

This emotion/body code session includes a frequency scan and report with frequencies to play for your pet after the session for rebalancing.

Click the button for more information on the scanner app.

"The experience was surreal she could tap in to things I hadn't thought about in years that might be affecting my body. despite me being skeptical I am now a true believer. Do yourself a favor and experience this for yourself. Heal yourself from the inside out."

jessica D. /

"Ok. The good energy hit and doubled down. In less than 24hrs the GoFundMe I set up surpassed its $9k goal. The law firm I work with often just gave me $10k Iā€™m so touched and in awe and overwhelmed and feeling so immensely loved. Thank you for the three day trial!"

Angela F.