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Just what is frequency healing anyways?

Everything is made of energy

From your science classes, you may remember that we are all made up of atoms. Did you know that all matter is also made up of energy? What if people have begun to harness this knowledge into something that you can use to heal your body with?

AO Scan™ Technology is non-invasive and is certified by the International Theta Advisory Council (ITAC), a non-profit association as an independent audit and testing program to ensure high product quality standards. Similar to the field of Neuroscience, as a whole, very little is known about energy. We are proud to be at the forefront of this field, and we’re just scratching the surface of what is possible.

Get on board the train to the future!

The benefits of frequency healing are numerous. Since everything is energy, and everything has a frequency, then your body has areas that can be targeted with specific frequencies. Some common areas that it can address are:

  • inflammation

  • food sensitivities

  • hormonal imbalances

  • body pain

  • nutritional needs

  • emotional needs

Remember this guy?

AO Scan™ Technology is based on the works of scientists from around the world, such as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Raymond Rife, and many others. These thought leaders were united by their belief that everything at its most fundamental level is energy. Every cell of your body produces energy, frequency, vibration, and resonance. When your frequencies are in balance it optimizes the quality of your life.

Introducing AO Scan Technology

The AO Scan Technology program is a unique educational tool that can help you learn about how your body is performing. It communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify the areas that may be out of balance. By identifying those areas that may need assistance, you can then make the proper lifestyle changes to optimize your health and reach a state of harmony and balance.

Solex at a Glance

Solex products improve the lives of those who use them through state-of-the-art frequency technology.

Our unique AO Scan™ Technology is truly one-of-a-kind and changing the way people approach their health. The scans empower you with information to be more in tune with your body and its frequencies. Solex provides an amazing business opportunity for distributors to earn money by sharing our incredible products with others.

What is the AO Scan™?

AO Scan™

Technology is an educational tool that can help you learn about how your body is performing. It communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify the areas that may be out of balance. By identifying those areas that may need assistance, you can then make the proper lifestyle changes to optimize your health and reach a state of harmony and balance.

You can learn more about this amazing technology today. Click on the button below for more information.

Full video overview of the AO scan app

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